LACMA goes Brazilian in 360 Virtual Reality
Every year the Brazilian Consulate in Los Angeles sponsors Latin Sounds Concert Series at LACMA. This year featured the heavy percussive sounds of afro brazilian band, Sambadá. Capturing this event in immersive virtual reality 360 format is a real treat not only because of the awesome performance on stage but also the energy from the audience.
Ethnomusicology is about participating in musical happenings, their social context, and the ability to articulate an authentic narrative based on this experience. VR format brings a whole new range of observational opportunities to spectators with it’s affordance of being able to provide a different experience each time you view. You can experience this real life happening form many different angles instead of the typical passive experience of 2D video.
I believe music will continue to find new avenues for distribution moving forward and virtual reality is one of the most exciting breakthroughs in media as mobile technology becomes even more capable of streaming at high frame rates, 3D/VR audio headphones roll out, mobile carriers move into 5G network, and the implementation of 4K screens.
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